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About Amis de lChasse

Since our first Weim, we have been introduced to the breed step by step. Weimaraners are friendly, intelligent and energetic dogs. Although headstrong, Weimaraners have an enormous 'will to please'. With consistent training you will get a social Weim that is both a hunting and family dog. 


We recommend puppy classes and hunting training for the education of a Weimaraner. 

  • Puppy class: to socialize with other breeds and create a strong bond between puppy and trainer.

  • Hunting training: to train their instincts and behavior during hunting and walking. The Weim's 'will to please' comes through enormously during training.


Timeline and training

1999 -Luca (female)

2006 - Fay (female)

2008 - Havane (female) en Horta (male)

2018 - Oz (female)

2024 - Xilas (Ksilas) (male)

Luca, our first Weim, had no pedigree. She has received hunting training and has always enjoyed working.

Fay, from Flanders Joy. Received hunting training, obtained TAN and participated in several beauty contests.

Water work, swimming and lost retrieval was her "will to please".

We have had 2 litters with Fay in 2008 and 2010.

Havane and Horta, both from a litter of our Fay, have had hunting training. In addition to this training, Horta also received 2 months of training for field work. 

Oz, or as we call her, Odzy, from Edelweims de la Claree, has completed hunting training. Points on partridges and other flightless birds.

Odzy will have a litter in the spring of 2024.

With Xilas (Ksilas), a male that will come from the litter Oz will have in 2024, we want to do puppy class, TAN,  hunting training and field work.

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